If you're one of many women who experiences significant problems before and during their menstrual period, you may be looking for additional ways to make that time of the month less of a pain. There are several ways to help minimize or stop common period problems.
Reduce Common Dietary Culprits
You may find that cravings for salty foods increase around the time of your period, and you may try to combat fatigue with an increase in caffeine. When possible, you should try to reduce added salt in your diet, which can increase fluid retention and make problems with breast pain and tenderness worse.
Although caffeine is commonly used in over-the-counter (OTC) menstrual pain relief products to increase the effectiveness of pain medications and act as a diuretic, caffeine can cause additional problems. If you experience irritability, insomnia or anxiety around the time of your period, caffeine can exacerbate these problems. When you take medication that includes caffeine, try to eliminate caffeine elsewhere in your diet, and switch to a different pain reliever later in the day to reduce the likelihood of sleep disturbances.
Reformulate Your Diet
Although changing your diet may not completely eliminate cramps and other menstrual problems, subtle changes can make problems less intense. There are many nutrients that are important in your diet that can help reduce menstrual problems.
If cramps, heavy bleeding and significant pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) are a common occurrence, you should consider making long-term changes to your diet to determine if you notice improvements. Many women try different techniques, but only near the time of their period, which may not be long enough to notice any changes.
Iron, B vitamins, magnesium and manganese are among some of the most influential nutrients that can improve PMS and menstrual problems. If you currently have sufficient nutrient intake, talk with your doctor to determine if adding extra supplements a week before and during your period is a good idea.
Red meat and organ meat are high in iron, but you can increase your iron intake by eating more leafy greens such as spinach. Furthermore, spinach is also rich in many B vitamins, magnesium and manganese, which makes spinach an ideal way to increase your nutrient intake.
Include Herbal Supplements
There are many herbal supplements that are potentially helpful in reducing menstrual problems. Before trying any supplement make sure to check for any interactions with prescription and OTC medications, and speak with your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to try herbal supplements.
One supplement is dong quai, which can be found alone in pill form or combined with other herbs in tea. The herb is believed to help reduce painful uterine contractions. You may want to try any herbal supplements in the form of tea to combine the use of herbs with the soothing effect of hot tea.
Evening primrose oil is another supplement that is usually taken as a pill and is used to help reduce symptoms associated with PMS. If you find that you have more intense problems with your period and may be near menopause, evening primrose oil is also used to help with the transition into menopause.
Use Essential Oils
The use of essential oils may not be specific to menstrual problems, but this does not make them less helpful. Many essential oils are used in aromatherapy as a stress-reduction and relaxation technique. Consider adding essential oils, such as lavender, in your hot bath water to help reduce cramps. If you purchase food-grade essential oils, you can add the oils in tea or your favorite beverage to enhance the relaxing effect. Just one or two drops in your beverage is enough.
Try Alternate Feminine Hygiene Products
Many women have switched to natural versions of their preferred feminine hygiene products or changed the type of products they use to help reduce problems such as cramps or heavy bleeding. There are many tampon and pad manufacturers that make feminine hygiene products that are made from organic cotton and are manufactured without chemicals or synthetic fibers. Consider trying natural products for a few months to determine if you notice any changes in your menstrual problems.
If you primarily use tampons and have painful menstrual cramps, you may want to try reducing your use of tampons and using pads more often. Tampons can intensify cramps because they impede menstrual flow. At minimum, consider using pads when you are at home or overnight, and only using tampons during the day.
For many women, their period is not just an inconvenience, but a serious monthly problem. Although completely eliminating cramps, heavy bleeding and PMS may not be feasible, there are several approaches you can use to potentially reduce your menstrual problems.
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I have worked in a supportive role in the medical industry for over 20 years, and I have been amazed at the advances in medicine that have been made. While it is always great to hear about a new medication that helps cure a disease or a new surgical procedure that can help someone live a normal life again after an injury, I have been especially amazed at the research that has shown just how much our physical and mental health are connected. Since I keep on top of all of the amazing medical studies being performed and I know others are too busy to hunt them down themselves, I decided to start a blog to share my favorite health tips for keeping both your mind and body healthy.