Good Healthcare Requires Treatment of Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Good Healthcare Requires Treatment of Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Yearning For More Than An Urn? Unique Options For A Loved One's Remains

by Hugh Larson

While it may not seem comforting at the time, a service to remember and celebrate your lost loved one can be incredibly helpful. Of course, these memorial services can cost thousands of dollars depending on the chosen details. Due to the ease and low cost, cremations have become a popular final wish for the deceased. In 2011 alone, 42 percent of deceased individuals were cremated and this percentage has grown each year since. If you have recently lost a loved one and chosen cremation, the options for placing their remains may be overwhelming. The majority of people choose decorative urns, but consider one of these unique options for placing your loved one's ashes.

Personalized Scattering

Scattering the cremated remains of your loved one is another popular option. A beach, mountain valley, or public park are common areas, but be sure to choose the location that best represents your loved one's personality. If your loved one enjoyed camping or hiking, scattering ashes along the streets of a busy city would not be ideal. 

Contact local government offices to prevent legal ramifications. Since parks and public areas are usually busy and small, seeking permission beforehand is imperative. Scattering ashes at home is also possible. This does not require pre-approval, so many people choose their own gardens or backyards to place their love one's ashes.

In addition, be sure to consult the deceased's church or synagogue to determine if there are any regulations for their specific religion. For example, Judaism believes mourners should have a place to mourn their lost loved ones. If your loved one is Jewish, consider scattering ashes at a cemetery or burying in an actual plot to give family members a place to mourn.

Back to Nature

If your loved one enjoyed nature, consider incorporating their ashes back into the Earth. Fortunately, there are a few options including:

  • Tree – Many crematoriums offer the option of mixing cremated remains with seeds and specialized plant nutrients. These memorial kits offer you the opportunity of planning a tree in your loved one's honor, which ensures their memory thrives and lives on for generations.
  • Reef – The deterioration of coral reefs across the world has become a concern for many environmentalists. By placing natural cement structures on the ocean floor, coral has an additional surface to attach itself to in hopes of stimulating growth. Today, these cement structures offer a final resting spot for cremated remains. Your loved one can rest and live on for generations in a natural, eco-friendly area they love.
  • Space – Placed into an individual container for flight, a portion of the deceased's cremated remains will rest in space. While an expensive option, sending your loved one's ashes into space is perfectly suited to a science-fiction fan or lover of astronomy.

Jewelry and Keepsakes

Imagine wearing your loved one's remains close to your heart or viewing a beautiful piece of art each day in their memory. Today, many people are choosing to skip the urn and place a portion of the deceased's ashes into a piece of jewelry or keepsake for their home. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Jewelry – While too small to accommodate all of your loved one's ashes, companies can add a small portion to a diamond or gemstone. Incorporate these stones into a ring, bracelet, or pendant and wear each day to remember your loved one.
  • Art – Artisans can create glass vases, ceramic pieces, or painted portraits with cremated remains. Display keepsakes and works of art in your home or office as an ongoing memorial to your loved one.  Plus, you will receive a truly unique work of art.

An urn provides a simple option for storing cremated remains. However, allow your loved one to rest in a more personable, thoughtful manner. Using this guide, you can skip the ordinary urn and place their cremated remains in unique ways. 


About Me

Good Healthcare Requires Treatment of Your Mind, Body, and Soul

I have worked in a supportive role in the medical industry for over 20 years, and I have been amazed at the advances in medicine that have been made. While it is always great to hear about a new medication that helps cure a disease or a new surgical procedure that can help someone live a normal life again after an injury, I have been especially amazed at the research that has shown just how much our physical and mental health are connected. Since I keep on top of all of the amazing medical studies being performed and I know others are too busy to hunt them down themselves, I decided to start a blog to share my favorite health tips for keeping both your mind and body healthy.
