3 Ways Cardioprotective Aspirin Therapy Can Harm Your Health
If you take a daily cardioprotective aspirin to reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke, you may be risking your health. While aspirin may raise your risk for developing certain health problems, you should never abruptly discontinue your regimen without consulting with your physician. Doing so may increase your risk for a blood clot. Here are three ways that your cardioprotective aspirin therapy regimen may harm your health: Visual Loss
Need Help Caring For A Parent With Alzheimer's Disease? 3 Tasks A Home Care Worker Can Assist Your Loved One With
Caring for an aging parent with Alzheimer's can be extremely exhausting, especially if you have a demanding career or other commitments that keep you pretty busy. Individuals with Alzheimer's required approximately 17.7 billion hours of care in 2013 -- and that large figure only includes the unpaid time put in by family members, friends, and other caretakers. Many free caretakers end up declining social invitations and giving up hobbies to focus on caring for a parent with Alzheimer's, which is unfair to the caregiver and may cause feelings of anger, depression, or resentment.
VBAC: Is It The Right Choice For You?
Many women who have had a caesarean section, or c-section for short, wonder whether they can deliver their next baby vaginally. In some circles, a rousing debate can ensue over this topic, and misconceptions abound on both sides. For example, some people insist that VBACs are unsafe and illegal, and others insist that vaginal birth after c-section is safe in all cases. The fact is, whether you can safely have a VBAC depends on individual circumstances.
5 Holistic Ways To Treat ADHD For Kids
Statistics show that diagnosis and medical treatment of children with ADHD increases steadily each year. While many parents find that their children respond well to medication like Ritalin, some parents are concerned about potential side effects or would simply rather their kids not be medicated. Other parents are interested in natural remedies for ADHD to be used in conjunction with traditional medication. Here are five holistic methods for treating ADHD:
Seeking Varicose Vein Treatment In Chicago To Reduce Pain And Improve Your Appearance
Varicose veins are not only painful to have, but painful to look at. They detract from the beauty of your skin and cause unwanted attention to be drawn to certain parts of your body. Varicose veins most commonly appear on the legs due to overuse of your legs without sufficient resting time. Many people who get them have a genetic disadvantage, but it is possible for anyone to get them, especially those who are pregnant or aging.