Should You Donate Eggs To A Sibling?
If you're part of a close-knit family, you may find yourself suffering the pain of infertility right alongside your adult siblings -- even if you've been able to conceive. If your sibling has begun to look into fertility alternatives like in-vitro fertilization using a donor egg, you may wonder whether donating your own healthy eggs would be the ideal way to assist your sibling in conceiving a child who is as biologically close to her as possible.
Is An Elective C-Section Ever A Good Idea?
If you're pregnant, you may find yourself dreading the thought of the actual birthing process and secretly hoping you're among the more than one in three U.S. women who winds up with a cesarean section. However, while a C-section may sometimes be necessary for health or safety reasons, elective C-sections have fallen out of favor in recent years, and you may find it difficult to find an obstetrician willing to perform this surgery on you without good cause.
Osteoporosis Can Even Occur In Childhood
Although osteoporosis—a condition that leads to thin and weakened bones—generally occurs in older women, it can even develop in children. Therefore, if your child has suffered multiple bone fractures or has one or more of the risk factors that can contribute to low bone mass (density), talk to his or her pediatrician about taking a closer look. Risk Factors Aside from a lack of weight-bearing exercise and poor nutrition, including vitamin D deficiency which interferes with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, other potential risk factors associated with low bone density and osteoporosis in children include:
Understanding The Truth Behind Some Sclerotherapy Myths
If you have a great deal of spider web veins across your legs, then you may want to have the veins treated. This is possible with something called sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy may be something that you have been scared to try in the past. However, this may be due to certain myths floating around involving the treatment. Keep reading to learn about these myths and to find out the truth about the treatment.
Want A Better Figure? Why You Should Have Your Body Sculpted
If you're like many people, you long to have an incredible figure. When you have a great shape, you can put on virtually anything and look amazing. You may be putting in the hours at the gym and paying meticulous attention to what you eat, only to find that you still can't seem to achieve the figure that you're after. When this happens, it might be time to consider having your body sculpted.